Here is my quick website mock up for my own website which will be demonstrating my range of work.
It was a very quick draft and there still a little more detail Id add but it gives you an idea of the layout and the design. I'm wanting something very simple and easy to navigate yourself around. I think ill just stick to adding static images now, but I'm liking the look of it and I might plan to include video files and even playable web games at a later date. The idea is that if you click on the image they will be text which will pop just giving a little information about what the project was about. I plan on including a range of work and have split it up into 3 categories which are level design, modelling and other which will all be a similar layout to what is shown. On the home page im going to include a little biography about me and links to other pages such as Facebook, twitter, blogger and even my email and you tube. so plenty of more expansive directions to follow me, get in contact and even view more work and in blogger case how we came to the decisions to hopefully make it a more educational view for some of the audience. I'm also wanting to experiment with a little bit of animation, I had this idea from a long time ago that on the website the bomb will follow the mouse with its eyes, I think it will look nice and we could even have the fuse animated so that if you click on a image the fuse goes down and the bomb explodes before going onto new page or image. I think that will be a really nice touch and just make the website look more interesting with a few silly animations. On the other page im wanting to just upload a variety of work, maybe some logos or character designs, and I want to do some t-shirt designs just as a hobby more likely but to demonstrate my range of art skills and even potentially make a few extra money out of it. I mentioned before unfortunately its going to take longer to get my website running and wont be ready for the deadline date but this gives you an idea of what to expect and hopefully I can get it running before the end of year show.
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