Tuesday 15 May 2012

Unity - Selling Assets and Models.

Another point of interest which Recently occurred to me is that on the Unity website I believe, theres a section in which you can buy already made scripts and Models, this got me thinking into easy ways I could make a little bit of money. When I get my website running i could sell on some of the models I made for a variety of my levels, They may need touching up of cause but Its a good idea to gain a little exposure and a little bit of profit and just showing a little bit of initiative. Chris has already exposed the idea in a way in which he has put some t-shirts up which you can buy and he's brought himself, and would look good wearing it to conventions, maybe even giving some away. I used to design some t-shirts in College so I have some old work which I'd like to make into t-shirts, kind of as a past hobby but also include my logo and name and its just another way of promoting myself through something I enjoy. Unfortunatly for some reason I can't find the page which is annoying but will look into it.

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