Tuesday 15 May 2012


Preparing for when I finish It is important to look into equipment I'm going to need when I can't rely on the colleges resources anymore. First of with the unexpected money I received from Student Finance I thought it was important to invest to my future instead of squander it on drink and nights out. So first thing I did was upgrade to a mac, as I was struggling to run certain software such as Maya and Unity which are very important for my line of role. So I am now set up more effectively and can work at home on projects.  I use my windows laptop for my recreational use and my mac for my work. Worth mentioning is that certain software is only compatible on certain computers so at least now I have the best of both worlds even though I realise my laptop is coming to the end of its life potentially. There is plenty of other equipment I am going to need put this is a good starting part, I also purchased a scanner, printer, and a graphics tablet which will all be useful assets when I graduate.

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