Tuesday 29 May 2012

Buying Domain Name

As i am having a website in which I will be showing my portfolio online and is where people can contact me I have to come up with a inappropriate domain name. Of cause I have already thought ahead to that point, I was should this website called reg123 in which you can purchase domain names. Fortunately my name which is newtomic designs was available in all selections from .com and .co.uk. Ideally I would have preferred to have a .com domain name however that is a lot more expensive so I decided to register www.newtomicdesigns.co.uk for 2 years at around £9 including VAT. know all I need to do is get the website running and upload my work onto it. Although its going to be slightly delayed as my parents forgot to provide me with a security card as its with tesco and they have gone on holiday so this procedure is going to be delayed by a few dates as is purchasing the business cards.

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