Tuesday 15 May 2012


UKIE is a company which is set up in the UK to help those who are wanting to put 1 step in the door towards the entertainment business by providing a variety of useful sources from information, interests and with the aim of building of members to the best of their ability and look promising to potential future employers. It is something that could defiantly benefit me in the future.

I was also told about this interesting site called Train2Game, which is like your in college but your not, It allows you to keep in track of the technical aspects and the mental aspects of what is happening in the gaming industry, this is something that would be very useful into expanding and improving your own portfolio swell as learning new skills and experimenting potentially with different software. Like your carry on been taught, acting as a public information resource. Depending on how things develop it may be worthwhile becoming a member as I will gain access which could develop my skill set further and also would be a great thing to talk about in a interview, and demonstrate your determination whilst at the same time developing your skills and improving your shane of getting into the video games industry.

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