Wednesday 30 May 2012

Play More Video Games

One criticism I have had is that I do not play enough video games and allot of video games when they come up in discussion I have no idea what they are, say i am designing a game and at critique they'll mention some games in discussion and they are all alien to me. I have tend to found myself within the last year only playing sports games such as NHL 2012 and NFL 2012, whilst I love these games there not really teaching me anything as its not the kind of area i am wanting to head into. I am looking more towards mobile gaming and causal cartoon aesthetics games. I have began to play allot more portable games on my Ipod such as Temple Run and Bike Race which are both brilliant games however I need to widen myself and play a variety of different games to help my understanding. Not to just play them but to critically review them and to take influence from them into my own project and to help myself keep in touch as its very important to keep ahead of this forever growing industry as there is new games getting released all the time.

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