Thursday 6 October 2011

Stoyline For My Environment

Comeing up with a storyline was actually one of the hardest aspects I have encounted so far, I was trying too hard to come up with a really imaginitive and unique story, however I then decided to take a step back and I realised my game is aimed at the family audience, so the story has to connect with a variety of diffferent ages,thinking more towards the younger audience they have to understand the games goals and whats going on. Also added to the fact that its aimed at casual gamers, which potentially means there not as interested at the stoyline then say hardcore gamers. So I started to take a look at alot of Nintendo Wi games as thats a similar audeice I'm aiming towards and majority are very simple stories, such as Mario Galaxy which is one of the funnest games I have played recently, which is just as a simple collect all the stars to save the galaxy. I guess its a way of suggesting you dont need some oscar winning story to create a fun game, at the end of the day its the gameplay which is the most important aspect. Would you rather a game with Brilliant Gameplay and a average story of vice versa. Another quick example is the Donkey Kong franchise, ehich has simple storys such as your bannan's have been stolen, go and find them.

Anyway taking all this into consideration I have decided, taking a similar aproach, the world is in danger and you, the player have been told you are the only person that can save the world by traviling both back in time and to the future to collect a range of old artifacts which contain letters which spell a anagram which will unlock this myserious weapon which will defend the plannet from the upcoming attack from a attak from a deadly specious.

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