Tuesday 18 October 2011

More Concept Ideas

Just a few more ideas I have come up with. I have decided that I am going to use the Volcano with the skulls as when asking for peoples opinions on that element of the level alot suggested they like it, I am also planning on including a boulder within the tunnel, for the character to jump over similar to donkey kong vs mario. I also am heading towards the idea of including some form of snake as they were pretty popular during the mayan times, i'm not sure as to there relevance but there was plenty of statues of them. I'm probably heading towards includind them as some kind of statue, maybe something that blows fire, that could be quite interesting. As you can tell I took one of the examples of art from the previous page and created a level, which I quite like, it could maybe do with a few touch ups but the overal design im happy with and plan on developing further, apart from that not much else to report but I do believe i'm heading down the right line.

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